About the method tools & practice

singer guitarisr

Technique and tools

You will get the most precise & effective singing exercises – for your vocal condition during the lesson, so they may vary from one lesson to the other.

The method and tools can take your singing to a professional level. Orya will assist you to reach this level if you choose to do so.

Real time result & improvement

Orya continually studies & keeps her knowledge up to date with all the ecent global scientific & expert vocal research and learning methods that are the most effective and powerful. This will assist her students to feel real time improvement in their voice while they are practicing during the lesson.

Style and genre

Orya’s storngest style of singing & teaching is Jazz, Musical & Popular music, ( Rock, Pop, RN’B), so there are many tips, tricks, riffs, scales, and knowledge that are being used for your success in singing , whether its a high note, complicated riff, blues or bebop scale that you may need guidance or assistance in its interpretation.

Stage & Performance

The most important matter to all performing singers is stage experience. Orya encourages and supports all her students that wish to perform & go pro in singing – to have all kinds of performance experiences, whether in auditions, open stage or jam session situations.

You are mostly welcome to consult her to get as many tips as well as experienced advice to help you with the decision of whether it is the right time to go on stage if you have never done so before.

On the other hand if you are already a professional or an amateur singer that has some challenges with your voice, Orya has a great box of tools and high level of knowledge that can assist you in resolving a challenge. She will give you her best to make you feel stronger & more potent with your voice.